Partners / Sponsors
The Brazilian Association of Distance Education - ABED, is a scientific, non-profit society, created in June 21, 1995, by a group of educators interested in learning new technologies in distance education. The association has the following objectives:
- To encourage the practice and the development of projects on distance education in all forms;
- To encourage the practice of the highest quality services to students, teachers, institutions and companies that use distance education;
- To support the country’s “knowledge industry” seeking to reduce inequalities caused by isolation and distance from major urban centers;
- To promote the use of different media to carry out distance education; - To foster the spirit of openness, creativity, innovation, credibility and experimentation in the practice of distance education.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
FGV Online
The FGV Online is the distance learning program of the Fundação Getulio Vargas. FGV is a National Reference concerning continuing education. The FGV Online is an integral part of the Institute of Educational Development (IDE) and offers courses and solutions, in partnership with FGV schools, for every level of professional and business development. The commitment of FGV Online is to disseminate the knowledge generated in schools and in FGV research institutes, breaking down geographical barriers and time constraints.
Since its creation, in 1946, the Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial (Senac) has been the main agent of professional education directed to the Sector of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism. Over 55 million demands have already been attended by Senac. The institution offers its wide experience to workers and entrepreneurs, providing face-to-face and distance programs, from north to south Brazil, in thousands programs, hundreds of modern and specialized educational environments such as the pedagogical companies and the mobile units, in 4,600 cities of Brazilian states and the Federal District.
The mission of Grupo UNINTER is to be fully engaged in the provision of quality education, leading innovative educational solutions in every corner of the country. Acting on the educational market for 18 years, Grupo UNINTER is headquartered in Curitiba (PR) and has 443 information supporting hubs in Brazil, to offer products and services focused on educational segment. A variety of undergraduate and graduate courses either on classrooms or distance programs; master's degrees; educational solution for basic education and technical-scientific books for higher education (traditional and digital) and extension courses are available at UNINTER. Over 150 thousand students reach its products and services. By its boldness and passion for education, Grupo UNINTER won recognition and credibility in the market and today is one of the largest and best evaluated educational groups of Brazil.
Artesanato Educacional
Artesanato Educacional offers a variety of online and face-to-face courses, creates its own didactic materials, delivers customized programs and gives consultancy in the areas of educational technology and distance education. We are reference in mobile learning and in the use of tools of web 2.0 platforms, social networks, games and virtual world in education. We organize the Journey of Distance Education: the future of art, held annually at the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (Sao Paulo), gathering the main specialists in the area. We run the exclusive online bookstore in Brazil specialized in educational technology and distance education – check out our titles - and are also an innovative publisher - contact us to check the possibility to publish your book with us.
Plano B Educacional
Plano B Educational is one of the companies of the Group PB, which also holds the Plano B Editorial and Plano B Agencia Literária. It is dedicated to the training of educational administrators, school principals, pedagogical coordinators, teachers and other educational professionals in the areas of Infantile Education, Elementary and High School.
Plano B Educational services are delivered through educational consulting, print work, lectures and asynchronous and synchronous distance courses, whose contents are available in Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
All programs offered by Plano B Educational certify participants, aiming at educational accreditation of private schools, of education systems and municipal education networks, according to the Total Quality Standards in the Educational Process. Certificates and seals of quality as well as educational accreditation are issued by institutions with renowned experience in educational business, supported by national and international agreements of academic cooperation.
Universidade Positivo
The Universidade Positivo brings the recognized quality of its classroom courses to the distance courses and was recently evaluated by the Ministry of Education as the best private University of Paraná State and one of the top ten in the country. Currently, the UP offers 56 undergraduate, four masters and three doctorate courses, dozens of specialization packages and several extension programs.
Blackboard is a global leader in technology for education, serving 72% of the 200 best universities in the world. Our public is formed by students, teachers and managers and we are present in over 100 countries, attending more than 30 million students with the mission of re-imagine the future of education, challenge conventional thinking and develop new models of learning. We work closely with universities, schools, businesses and governmental agencies around the world in the development and implementation of technologies to improve every aspect of the educational process. We help educational institutions to inspire their students, with the objective to connect them more effectively and keep them informed, involved and motivated.
Our platforms include several tools to enrich and enhance the teaching and learning experience for educators and students. We work closely with the Blackboard ® partnership and the Grupo A Educação - exclusive distributor of the brand in Brazil - to build the best educational experience.
Brightspace by D2L
Global leader in educational technology, the D2L is the creator of Brightspace, the first integrated learning platform in the world.
The D2L settles partnerships with leading companies and pioneers to enhance learning through data-driven technology that helps to personalize the experience of all students, regardless their origin or the features and resources available. The open and expandable platform of D2L is used by more than 1,100 clients and 13 million students in Basic Education, Secondary and University, as well as for corporate clients, government areas and sectors related to health care, including companies of Fortune 1000.
The D2L operates in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and Singapore
Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional
The Virtual Campus Cruzeiro do Sul has a long trajectory of research and use of information and communication technologies in higher education. It is also responsible for providing and managing undergraduate, post-graduation and extension courses in remote mode as well as online disciplines of undergraduate courses of institutions that comprise the Cruzeiro do Sul Educational: Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul (São Paulo – SP); Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (São Paulo-SP); Universidade de Franca (Franca-SP); Centro Universitário Módulo (Caraguatatuba – São Paulo); and Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal (Brasília-DF), forming a group of higher education nationwide which brings together institutions and recognized academic institutions and renewed brands in their respective markets.
Editora Saraiva
The Grupo Saraiva, national trade company with about six thousand employees, which celebrated its centennial, in 2014, creates and distributes content, technology and services by means of their Editorial and Retail Business. The group is a reference in the production of content for basic, technical and higher education, in particular Law, a market leader. Its educational solutions incorporate innovative technologies such as adaptive learning, digital library, gaming platforms, also providing distinguished content to distance learning. With 114 stores, in 17 Brazilian States and the Federal District, the Grupo Saraiva holds the largest retail network of content, culture and entertainment in the country. In 1998 launched its e-commerce platform, operating, since then, with an integrated multichannel approach, offering the customer products and services in the or in its stores.
Has a rich collection of literature, stationery, music, movies, games and software, telephony, electronics, technology, periodicals, as well as mobile recharging services, ticket sales, gift cards, prepaid cards, insurance, technical assistance, guaranteed delivery and home delivery.
Over 15 years ago, the company FabriCO realized that the growth is driven by knowledge. We have excellence in the development of educational solutions for vocational training using innovative technologies for printed and online material development, simulation, business games and video lessons. We attend large academic and corporate market companies, among them Laureate, SENAC, SENAI, Fundação Bradesco, Promon, Gerdau and Sabesp.
Minha Biblioteca
Minha Biblioteca represents four important national publishers on a single platform: Grupo A, Atlas, Grupo Gen and Saraiva. With a rich catalog of university books it is easy to meet the demands for quality and updated content in any area of knowledge. Learn the business models available or request the development of a customized design for your institution.
Cengage Learning
Cengage Learning is a leading provider of content, technologies and educational services to the teachings in the basic and fundamental levels (K-12) and higher education also attending the demands of professional markets and librarians around the world. The company offers content, customized services and digital-oriented solutions for courses that accelerate the involvement of students and transform the learning experience. Headquartered in Boston (MA), Cengage Learning operates in over 20 countries around the world, including Brazil. For further information, visit or visit our profiles on social media: Facebook, Twitter, @CengageBrasi
Acknowledged among the largest Institutions of Higher Education of Brazil such as Kroton, PUC, Unisul, Positivo, SENAC and SENAI, Delinea has more than 50,000 hours of didactic content focused on distance education, produced by its multidisciplinary team. The company has in its holders some pioneers in distance education and has been acting for over 10 years as a partner of educational institutions, featuring advanced solutions in counseling, contents and technologies for distance mode. Delinea developed, with its partners, approximately 510 courses, among them various teaching content authoring, e-learning courses, video classes, e-books for tablets, in addition to the preparation and follow-up of the virtual environment for institutions.
Estácio - Uniseb
Estacio - Uniseb is one of the best institutions of higher education of Brazil, with more than 350 thousand students, present in all regions of the country and counting more than 40 years experience. The educational group comprises several Universities, University Centers and Colleges, in 21 Brazilian States. Estacio offers undergraduate courses (Bachelor's degree and Licentiate), Technological and post-graduate degree, either face-to-face and in distance modalities.
Fluig é uma plataforma de produtividade e colaboração que unifica a gestão de processos, documentos e identidades. Tudo em uma só tela, de forma segura, colaborativa e na nuvem.
Fundação Cecierj / Consórcio Cederj
Created in the year 2000, with the goal of bringing free and quality higher education across the State of Rio de Janeiro, the Consortium Cederj is formed by seven public institutions: CEFET, UENF, UERJ, UFF, UFRJ, UFRRJ and UNIRIO, and currently has approximately one thousand students enrolled in its 12 undergraduate distance courses.
Founded in 1997, Hoper Educação plays its role in terms of consultancy for Institutions of Higher and Basic Education, Market Studies, Courses, Learning Solutions and Corporate Education. Its team assembly consultants specializing in various areas of management and business, who have attended over 1,300 educational institutions in the past 17 years. Roper's professionals have expertise, experience and knowledge in all areas of educational management. Our professionals join the academic training with professional experience in performing management positions in the education sector. The experience of Hoper’s professionals is not limited to the different areas of expertise, but also includes experience in different categories of institutions, such as colleges, universities centers and universities.
A iPlace é a maior Apple Premium Reseller do Brasil, desenvolvida com os mesmos princípios de qualidade, simplicidade e inovação da marca. Juntamente com a MyStore (Apple Authorized Reseller), revenda autorizada Apple, forma-se uma rede de 100 lojas em praticamente todos estados brasileiros. A iPlace também é uma das 14 unidades de negócio do Grupo Herval, o qual conta com mais de 50 anos de história, sendo hoje um dos maiores e mais respeitados conjuntos de empresas do Brasil. Além do varejo, a iPlace atua com o segmento exclusivo iPlace Educacional (Authorised Education Reseller Apple), criado em 2012, especializada em projetos educacionais e acredita que a tecnologia tem o poder de transformar a relação com o conhecimento, através da qualidade e inovação da linha completa de produtos Apple. Neste segmento, os projetos são trabalhados em conjunto com a equipe do Mosyle - plataforma criada para conectar alunos, professores e administradores com o mais novo cenário da educação e da aprendizagem móvel, no qual são abertas as fronteiras da sala de aula e a aprendizagem pode ocorrer em qualquer lugar, a qualquer momento.
Kivuto simplifies and accelerates your school’s digital transformation.
Kivuto provides customized, digital distribution and management solutions that enable the secure delivery of digital course materials to schools and their students, faculty and staff anywhere in the world. As the pioneer of advanced digital distribution solutions, we simplify the process of delivering any digital goods – software, eTexts and more - under virtually any terms and conditions.
Through a growing network of over 60,000 academic and commercial organizations and departments, we support millions of transactions annually in 195 countries and several languages. Our mission is to simplify and accelerate how academic institutions go digital for a more powerful and accessible learning experience
Leo Brasil
Leo Brasil, is a multinational company of educational technologies, aiming to establish partnerships with organizations to assist them in transforming their learning approach. With over 30 years of knowledge and experience in the area, we are global leaders in the industry of educational technologies with offices in Brazil, England, USA and Switzerland. Through pioneering and high qualification of our team, we focus on developing creative solutions with results for the business.
Our strategy of transformation is composed by a mixture of e-learning multiplatform, mobile learning, resources, animations, videos, educational games, learning portals, and more. Our experience allows us to bring a strategic approach to create programs that mix these methodologies to meet the needs of your organization and its users.
We are pioneers in digital learning and we've always been at the forefront of new technologies. Of mobile learning to Tin Can and wearable devices, our award-winning team works collaboratively with clienteles to identify the best learning strategies. This approach puts us in the best possible position to analyze the top technologies for your organization and discover the most creative and commited way to use them.
Pearson, the global leader in developing solutions for education, believes that learning can transform lives and therefore invests in the development of products and services for a complete education from early childhood to higher and professional education. With over 150 years of history, the company operates in 80 countries and has 40 thousand employees working to make a difference in the lives of more than 100 million children, youth and adults who use Pearson's educational solutions. In Brazil, its performance in basic education is solid for private schools through the COC education systems, Dom Bosco, Pueri
Domus; for public schools, by NAME; educational and psychological evaluations with the Casa do Psicólogo; higher education with renowned books catalog, digital content, online learning platforms and counselling services in the development of distance learning course. In the field of languages, offers collections of textbooks and digital materials to support institutes and schools in English and Spanish courses, in addition to customized programs of bilingual education to regular schools. Pearson also collects brands such as Wizard, Yázigi, Skill and Microlins, all of them working with the teaching of languages. For more information, visit the site and Pearson's pages on Facebook (facebook. com/PearsonBrasil) and Twitter (
SAGAH is a company that develops undergraduate and postgraduate courses based on active learning methodologies.
Each course is carefully prepared with the sum of the potential of educational solutions group and the methodological expertise of experienced Hoper consulting.
SAGAH courses use contents known on national and international levels, market-leading learning platforms and highly qualified professionals. In addition, our courses enable the content personalization of IES
A Teletex IT Solutions é uma empresa integradora de soluções de infraestrutura em Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação que agrega valor as soluções através dos serviços e produtos oferecidos, com foco principal nas necessidades dos clientes.
A Teletex possui Certificação Cisco Gold Partner e conta hoje com cerca de 160 colaboradores especializados nas principais soluções ofertadas. Fundada em 1986, possui sede em Curitiba (PR) e presenças locais em Joinville (SC), Florianópolis (SC), Porto Alegre (RS), Londrina (PR), João Pessoa (PB) e Miami (US). Essa abrangência possibilita atendimento em todo o território nacional com a mesma dedicação e agilidade
Turnitin ajuda aos educadores avaliar os trabalhos dos alunos e fornecer excelente feedback para melhorar o aprendizado dos alunos. OriginalityCheck verifica os projetos dos alunos instantaneamente para averiguar a presença de conteúdos não originais por meio da maior base de dados de comparação do mundo. GradeMark ajuda a melhorar o aprendizado e o envolvimento dos alunos facilitando um feedback mais abrangente, além de economizar o tempo dos instrutores com funcionalidades de arrastar e soltar notas, comentários de voz e rubricas. PeerMark incentiva os alunos a aprenderem uns com os outros e a desenvolverem um pensamento crítico.
UEMA - Universidade Estadual do Maranhão
The Universidade Estadual do Maranhão - UEMA had its origin in the Federação das Escolas Superiores do Maranhão – FESM, in 1972, created to coordinate and integrate the isolated settlements of the higher education system of Maranhão State. The FESM was transformed into the Universidade Estadual do Maranhão - UEMA by the law nº 4,400, dated December 30, 1981, and had its operation authorized in the year 1987. UEMA's mission is to serve the regional society, offering education of excellence, citizenship-oriented, producing knowledge and providing quality services, through a participatory management with social and environmental responsibility. To give support to this work it was created the Núcleo de Educação a Distância – Nead. The core from the accreditation by Ordinance No. 2,216, of October 11, 2001-MEC, allowed the Universidade Estadual do Maranhão to offer the distance course in Teaching the Initial Series of Elementary School. After eight years of unique experience in this mode, the Nead has its spectrum of activity expanded and in May 2008, was known as Núcleo de Technologias para Educação – UemaNet. This way, through UemaNet the University happens to have a set of technological tools to support and facilitate actions demanded from different instructional levels of Maranhão State.
The emphasis of Unicesumar is in the formation of the human being as an agent for society builder, a skilled professional able to improve in the labor market. The concern with the quality of Education ensures the institution the title of one of the best University Centers of Brazil. The Unicesumar has more than 70 thousand students, among classroom and distance education. The UniCesumar offers more than 45 undergraduate classroom courses, 27 distance courses, 68 post-graduate courses and master's degrees.
A Universidade de Santo Amaro (UNISA) está entre as mais conceituadas instituições de ensino superior do Brasil. Ocupando uma posição privilegiada no cenário educacional desde 1968 as suas atividades se iniciaram com os cursos presenciais de Medicina, Letras, Pedagogia, Matemática e Física.Este percurso a consolida como uma Universidade de excelência. O reflexo deste desempenho permeia todas as suas ações, especialmente, em 2005, quando foi transmitida a sua primeira aula via satélite, marcando o pioneirismo na oferta de cursos na modalidade de educação a distância (EaD).Atualmente, a Unisa possui três campi na cidade de São Paulo, com infraestrutura completa para o aprendizado teórico e prático, e mais de 50 polos educacionais distribuídos em todo território nacional. São oferecidos diversos cursos de graduação presenciais e a distância, entre bacharelados, licenciaturas e tecnológicos, além de pós-graduação e extensão.
WebAula SA is focused on providing products and services for distance education, operating in the complete chain of DE: consulting, solutions, content management and engagement. For more than 10 years in the market, qualifies daily through its solutions about 400 thousand students from educational institutions, companies, retail and public agencies. Produces more than 2 thousand customized courses a year and keeps 200 active virtual universities in Brazil and abroad. Counts with 300 employees in the areas of creation, education and technology, spread in five units: Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Has received dozens of the most important awards in DE in Brazil; is an associate maintainer of ABED and protagonist of the major projects of Distance Education in Latin America. When thinking DE, hire webAulaS/A!
Através do avanço das tecnologias educacionais e com o corpo docente incluído digitalmente, a FGF vislumbrou na educação a distância, oferecendo ensino de qualidade. Com isso, tornou-se modelo via internet e deu um passo a frente, indicando a tendência mundial da educação, desenvolvendo cursos a distância desde o projeto pedagógico à implantação e gestão. Todos esses esforços foram reconhecidos pelos alunos. Segundo pesquisa realizada, no primeiro semestre de 2012, pela ABE-EAD (Associação Brasileira dos Estudantes de Ensino a Distância), a FGF é a melhor do Norte e Nordeste na modalidade EaD com nota 4, sendo o máximo nota 5 ocupando, assim, um lugar de destaque entra as instituições de ensino a distância. Em suma, este resultado só demonstra o nosso comprometimento e seriedade que dedicamos aos nossos alunos
Monte Verde Educacional
A Monte Verde Educacional possui know how na assessoria, consultoria e elaboração de projetos educacionais para implantação de programas educacionais a distância, assim como, toda a estrutura de plataformas de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, vídeos síncronos e assíncronos e software de gestão e arquivologia de provas, aplicativos para cursos rápidos e simuladores de provas dos vestibulares mais concorridos do país e ENEM, destinados às instituições de ensino e corporações, atuando no mercado brasileiro desde 2009 em grandes players.
A Universidade Luterana do Brasil (Ulbra) atua nas regiões Sul, Norte e Centro-Oeste há mais de 40 anos. Possui 15 Unidades de Ensino Superior, 17 escolas de Educação Básica e mais de 80 polos de Educação a Distância credenciados. Mantida pela Associação Educacional Luterana do Brasil (Aelbra), assumiu como missão desenvolver, difundir e preservar o conhecimento e a cultura pelo ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Leva o saber às localidades mais remotas do País, promovendo, assim, a inovação, a inclusão social e o desenvolvimento comunitário. Através de seus polos de Educação a Distância, oferece cursos de graduação e pós-graduação lato sensu que dialogam diretamente com as necessidades do mercado de trabalho. Nesta modalidade, conta com Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem próprio e material didático exclusivo, produzido pelos professores da Instituição.
Universidade Metodista de São Paulo
The Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, accomplishing the mission to effectively participate in the formation of people, wielding influence and contributing to the improvement of the quality of life, offers complete professional and citizenship development to its students. In 76 years of history, the University has sought, through the tripod - teaching, research and extension - to provide complete training in all regions of the country. This way, offers distance education in an innovative and flexible format, which integrates classroom moments and the distance that allows the interaction and exchange of knowledge between teachers and students. Through these differentials, the University has won important recognitions that strengthen its tradition in distance education.
Casa da Ovelha
Casa do Tomate
IDH - Instituto de Direito e História
Itallinni Biscotteria
Secretaria de Turismo de Bento Gonçalves
Vinícola Aurora