Papers Submissions For Papers
21st CIAED ABED International Congress of Distance Education"If I were the Minister of Education I would do the following concerning ODL..."
The 21st CIAED is 100% on site attending - Qualis (Capes) B N - ISSN 2175-4098
The 21st CIAED will explore the theme "If I were the Minister of Education I would do the following concerning ODL...", and will consist a great opportunity for researchers, educators and organizational leaders to present their scientific work based on scientific research; submit reports of innovative experiences; take part of roundtables with experts from Brazil and from other countries; conduct lectures; be included in working groups of different lines of acting and make professional contacts.
2.1. Each paper submitted must be identified according to the following items:
2.1.1. Category;
2.1.2. Educational Sector;
2.1.3. Classification in the Researches Areas of ODL;
2.1.4. Scope of the work.
2.1.1. The papers submitted for presentation can belong to one of the two Categories (see here to which category your Scientific Work-SW is related to):
a) Scientific Investigation (SI): Research
b) Innovative Experience (IE): Case study
2.1.2. Educational Sector: choose only one of the following:
a) Basic Education
b) High School and Technical Education
c) University Education
d) Corporate Education
e) General Continuing Education
2.1.3. Classification of the Research Areas in ODL (Zawacki-Richter 2009): select only one item of the following groups that most characterizes the paper submitted:
Macro Level Systems and ODL Theory
A. Access, Equity and Ethics
B. The Globalization of Education and Cultural Cross-borders Aspects
C. Systems and Institutions of ODL
D. Theories and Models
E. Research Methods in ODL and the Transference of Knowledge
Meso Level Management, Organization and Technology
F. Management and Organization
G. Costs and Benefits
H. Educational Technology
I. Innovation and Change
J. Professional Development and Support to Instructors
K. Services of Support to Students
L. Quality Assurance Tools
Micro Level Teaching and Apprenticeship in ODL
M. Instructional Design
N. Interaction and Communication in Learning Communities
O. Learner Characteristics
2.1.4. Scope of the work - select one of the items bellow:
a) Report of Concluded Research
b) Description of Ongoing Project
2.2. By the end of the judgment process, the Commission may take the following decisions concerning the paper:
a) Acceptance to presentation in Parallel Session;
b) Acceptance to Poster Presentation;
c) Return to the author for modifications after which it can be accepted to be presented in Parallel Session;
d) Denied.
Both Scientific Research (SR) and the Innovative Experience (IEs) submitted to be presented in Parallel Sessions during the 21st CIAED undergo a rigorous process of trial, of the kind blind peer review (blind trial by peers), in which the identity and the institutional affiliation of the author are elements not provided to evaluators. The evaluation will be carried out by a Technical Committee composed by members of ABED Scientific Council and other PhD fellows with recognized expertise in the area. Each work will be reviewed by at least three professionals, members of the Technical Committee of the Congress. The final result of the evaluation of each submission, which corresponds to the average ratings of reviewers, will be the decision-making indicator for the acceptance of scientific papers for presentation in the Parallel Sessions. According to the final outcome of the evaluation, some papers may be directed to presentation in Poster Session.
3. Papers Submissions
3.1. The submission of papers to be analyzed by the Technical Commission is exclusive for ABED associates and is linked to the condition that all authors must be Individual Associates in compliance with the payment of their annuities at the date of the article submission.
Important note: the name of the thesis and dissertations advisor should not be included as co-author of the Scientific Investigation, but it can be duly acknowledged on a footnote.
3.2. The submission of papers should solely and exclusively be made through the online tool available on ABED website.
3.3. Authors must be aware that the attendance of at least one author or representative to present the paper at the Conference will be required and they must be duly registered in the Conference.
3.4. As a part of the submission process in the online tool, it is mandatory to indicate whether you agree or not with the term of commitment of presentation which is described herein:
"In case my paper is accepted by the Technical Commission of the 21st ABED International Congress of Distance Education, I will be present or will indicate a representative for the presentation on the day and time previously informed. I also authorize its publication on ABED website. I am aware of the condition that the authors have to be affiliated and be in compliance with the payment of their annuities."
3.5. Soon after the paper submission, an automated message will be sent to the e-mail address of the person who made the submission, confirming the reception of the paper.
3.6. Simultaneously, the title of the paper and the date of submission will be posted on the event website.
Important Note: The receipt of the automated message (item 3.5) and the publication of the paper title on the website do not mean, in any way, approval for presentation at the conference.
4. Papers Publication
4.1. The papers accepted will be electronically published in the Annals of the Conference on ABED website under the registers ISSN 2175-4098 and DOI 10.17143/abed1995. Accepted papers not presented by its responsible or representative, on the day and time scheduled, will be removed from the Conference Annals and will be replaced by an explanatory note, with the identification of the responsible ones. Authors, therefore, will not be able to submit papers for ABED events for as long as 2 (two) years.
4.2. Papers will be electronically published in two languages: Portuguese and English. The author (authors) of an accepted paper will be responsible for providing its English version. The translated text must be sent to by August 30th, 2015.
4.3. Doubts can be clarified at or by phone + 55-11-3275-3561
4.4. Computer with basic operational system Windows XP 2003, Power Point, Data Show and Internet access will be available for the presentation of papers during the event.
5. Formatting Standards
5.1. Papers cannot exceed ten pages and must comply with the new spelling rules of the Portuguese language.
5.2. The page must be formatted on A4 paper, following the parameters: top margin: 3.0 cm; bottom margin: 2.0 cm; left margin: 3.0 cm; right margin: 3.0 cm.
5.3. Papers should be written in Word, Arial font, size 12, using only one side of the paper. Spacing 1.5 lines, left justified, 1.5 paragraph indentation and page numbers placed at the top right side.
5.4. The first page should be formatted as follows:
a) Title: Centralized with capital letters, size 16, boldfaced. Foreign words must be written in italics.
b) Give two line spaces and identify: delivery place and date of the paper (mm/yyyy).
c) After three lines space, centralize the name of the first author in size 12.
d) Then (next to the name of the author and separated by a hyphen), indicate the name of the institution to which you are connected and the e-mail, using size 10 font.
e) Do the same with the other authors, leaving a blank line separating each of them.
f) Give one line space and identify the paper according to one of the Categories described in item 2.1.1.
g) Give another line space to identify the paper according to one of the Educational Sectors indicated in item 2.1.2.
h) One line space and identify the paper in each of the items according to the Classification in the Researches Areas of ODL indicated in item 2.1.3.
i) One line space, identify the paper according to its scope indicated in item 2.1.4.
j) Give five lines space and include the title "RESUMO", in Portuguese, in Arial font, size 12 bold, centered. Bellow, include the abstract in Portuguese, font Arial 12, Italic, justified, simple spacing with a maximum of 200 words. After the space of one line, indicate the keywords in Arial 12 bold, separated by semicolons.
5.5. After the summary, leave space of three lines and start the text, preferably insert a page break.
5.6. The text should follow the guidelines of item 5. 3: Arial, size 12, using only one face of the paper, with a subtext of 1.5, left-aligned, indent to paragraph 1.5 and inserting the page number in the upper right side.
5.7. The format of the work must include the pre text elements (summary, keywords, thanks-if any); text (introduction, objectives; theoretical referential; methodological procedures; presentation and discussion of the results, conclusions and recommendations) and post text (bibliographical references; appendices and attachments).
Important note: Acknowledgement (if any) to people that contributed to the work but do not fulfill the requisites to take part as author must be placed after the key-words, since agreed. Financial, material or any other kind of support can also be expressed in this topic, not exceeding 3 lines.
5.8. Citations and bibliographic references: citations should be included in the body of the text, including the surname of the source author, the date of publication and the page number (if applicable), according to the APA or ABNT standards. The complete bibliographical references of the author (s) quoted (s) should be presented in alphabetical order, at the end of the text, in accordance with the standards of the APA or ABNT.
5.9. Footnotes, when essential, must be placed at the end of the paper, before the bibliographical references.
5.10. The titles of internal sections must be boldfaced and left justified.
5.11. Subtitles must have a 1.5 paragraph indentation in relation to the titles.
5.12. Pictures and tables must be subtitled
5.13. Check out the example of the Scientific Paper (SP) at the link:
5.14. Check out the example of Poster presentation:
Important note: Papers that do not indicate the email and telephone numbers of all authors in the submission form of the online tool will not be accepted.
6. Conference Languages
Portuguese. Other languages, in Plenary Sessions or Short Courses usually are translated simultaneously into Portuguese.
7. Agenda
1) Call for Papers launch: November 27th, 2014;
2) Papers Reception: February 1st to April 30th, 2015;
3) Papers evaluation: May 1st to June 30th, 2015;
4) Release of results at website and information: July 6th, 2015;
5) Reception of Portuguese version of approved works: August 30th, 2015;
6) Acceptance notifications will be sent automatically;
7) Presentation at the 21st CIAED.
Additional Information
ABED Headquarters:
Rua Vergueiro, 875 - 12° andar
CEP 01504-001 - São Paulo SP
Telefone: + 55 11 3275.3561 - Fax: + 55 11 3275.3724
Scientific Papers:
Information about the event:
Papers submission
21st CIAED - ABED International Congress of Distance Education - Papers delivery