The Brazilian Association of Distance Education, a non-profit scientific society focused on developing open, flexible, and distance education, was created on June 21, 1995, by a group of educators interested in distance education and new technology learning.
Its main objectives are:
- Stimulate the practice and development of projects in distance education in all its forms;
- Encourage the practice of the highest quality of services for students, teachers, institutions, and companies that use distance education;
- Support the country's "knowledge industry" by seeking to reduce inequalities caused by isolation and distance from large urban centers;
- Promote the use of different "media" when carrying out distance education;
- Foster a spirit of openness, creativity, innovation, credibility, and experimentation in distance education.
ABED's main scope includes institutions, companies, universities, and people interested in discussing and deepening knowledge in distance education. To this end, ABED organizes congresses, seminars, scientific meetings, and courses aimed at systematizing and disseminating knowledge in distance learning.
ABED is a member of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) and is affiliated with international institutions, including the International Council For Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and the OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCW).
The ABED page on the Internet features the trilingual "Brazilian Open and Distance Education Journal", dedicated to DE scholars. It also features texts and works on DE, a calendar of events, news clippings from the leading newspapers, links related to DE, and distance course addresses. The page is constantly updated and always focuses on members and people who want to get involved with this area of pedagogical knowledge (www.abed.org.br).
ABED is made up of the following categories of members:
- Individual Members: individuals interested in promoting distance education as an instrument for the progress of democratic societies;
- Institutional Associates: legal entities interested in ABED's objectives;
- Honorary Associates: individuals or legal entities of notable knowledge who, for this reason, are distinguished by ABED and
- Maintaining Associates: legal entities that significantly contribute to increasing ABED's work.
Management 2023-2027
João Mattar
Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP)
Vice President
Carlos Roberto Juliano Longo
Catholic University of Brasília (UCB) and SABER Innovation and Educational Consulting
Scientific Development Directorate - Vani Moreira Kenski - Educational Site
Ethics and Quality Directorate - Betina von Staa - Betina von Staa Consultoria
Directorate of International Relations - Alex Sandro Gomes - Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE)
Financial Administrative Board - Jair dos Santos Junior - Jair dos Santos Junior Consulting and Corporativa União Educacional de Ensino Superior do Médio Tocantins (UNEST)
National Relations Directorate - Rita de Cassia Borges de Magalhaes Amaral - DE Manager
Directorate of Relations with the Public Sector - Luiz Claudio Medeiros Biagiotti - La Salle University (UNILASALLE)
Directorate of Relations with the Production Sector - Jeferson Ferreira Fagundes - Arquitetura Educacional
Free Theme Board 1 - Basic Education - George Bento Catunda - Talentis
Free Theme Board 2 - Innovation - Paola de Oliveira Cicarelli - Cuboz Innovation and Technology
Scientific Council - Management 2023-2026
Presidency: Romero Tori - USP
Director Emeritus: Fredric Michael Litto – USP/ABED
Cristiane Freire Sá – IF/SP
Daniel Ribeiro Silva Mill - UFSCar
Eniel do Espírito Santo - UFRB
Ilka Márcia Ribeiro de Souza Serra - UEMA
João Vianney Valle dos Santos - HOPER
José Antônio Marques Moreira - UAB/PT
José Armando Valente – UNICAMP
Katia Ethienne Esteves dos Santos - PUCPR
Ketia Kellen Araújo da Silva – EGN/RJ
Lucio França Telles - UnB
Luís Paulo Leopoldo Mercado – UFAL
Mary Valda Souza Sales - UNEB
Marilena Aparecida de Souza Rosalen – UNIFESP
Miriam Rodrigues – UPM
Patrícia Alejandra Behar - UFRGS
Patrícia Lupion Torres - PUC PR
Rosana Amaro - UnB
Ethics Council - 2023-2026
Andrea Cristina Filatro – LETTERA
Dyjalma Antônio Bassoli – CESMAC
Ecivaldo de Souza Matos – UERJ
Evandro Luís Ribeiro – CLARETIANO
Fabrício Ricardo Lazilha – UNICESUMAR
Fellipe de Assis Zaremba – UCB
Jósimo da Costa Constant
Karina Nones Tomelin - B42
Leandro Henrique Magalhães – UNIFIL
Luciano Sathler Rosa Guimarães – CertifikEDU
Paula Carolei – UNIFESP
Sátira Pereira Machado - UFRGS
Quality Council - 2023-2026
Andrea Cristina Filatro – LETTERA
Dyjalma Antônio Bassoli – CESMAC
Ecivaldo de Souza Matos – UERJ
Evandro Luís Ribeiro – CLARETIANO
Fabrício Ricardo Lazilha – UNICESUMAR
Fellipe de Assis Zaremba – UCB
Jósimo da Costa Constant
Karina Nones Tomelin - B42
Leandro Henrique Magalhães – UNIFIL
Luciano Sathler Rosa Guimarães – CertifikEDU
Paula Carolei – UNIFESP
Sátira Pereira Machado - UFRGS
Fiscal Council - Management 2023-2026
Aline Santos Mossete – PMCamaçari
Ana Maria Murbach Bortolanza – FAEL
Cássio Cabral Santos – ULISBOA
Jamara Cardoso Neves Braz
Robson Santos Silva
Ronaldo Mota
Innovation Council - Management 2023-2026
André Gomes Genesini - EDUCAMOS ONLINE
Andrea Fonseca Litto - SILICON HOUSE
Jocimara de Lima Mauer – GOMINING
José Manuel Moran Costas - JOSÉ MORAN CONSULTORIA
Leonardo Carvalho – LEROY MERLIN
Patrícia Rodrigues da Silva – TELEAULA EAD
Rafael de Alencar Lacerda – RALEDUC
Rogério Gabriel
Sandra Oyafuso Kina
Thuinie Medeiros Vilela Daros – VITRU
Viviane Marques Goi – VG
Wilmara Cruz Messa - CEMEAM / SEDUC-AM