

The Brazilian Association of Distance Education is a non-profit scientific society focused on the development of open, flexible and distance education, created on June 21, 1995 by a group of educators interested in distance education and new learning technologies.

Its main objectives are:

  • Stimulate the practice and development of projects in distance education in all its forms;
  • Encourage the practice of the highest quality of services for students, teachers, institutions, and companies that use distance education;
  • Support the country's "knowledge industry" by seeking to reduce inequalities caused by isolation and distance from large urban centers;
  • Promote the use of different "media" in the realization of distance education;
  • Promote the spirit of openness, creativity, innovation, credibility, and experimentation in the practice of distance education.

ABED's main scope includes institutions, companies, universities, and people interested in discussing and deepening knowledge in distance education. To this end, ABED organizes congresses, seminars, scientific meetings, and courses focused on the systematization and dissemination of knowledge in Distance Education.

ABED is a member of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science - SBPC, is affiliated with international institutions including the International Council for Open and Distance Education - ICDE and the OCW OpenCourseWare Consortium.

The ABED website features the trilingual "Brazilian Journal of Open and Distance Learning", dedicated to Scholars of Distance Education, texts and works on Distance Education, calendar of events, clipping of news from major newspapers, links related to Distance Learning, and addresses of distance courses. It is constantly updated, always focusing on associates and people who want to get involved with this area of pedagogical knowledge (www.abed.org.br).

ABED is composed of the following categories of associates: Individual Members: individuals interested in promoting distance education as an instrument of progress for democratic societies; Institutional Associates: legal entities interested in ABED's objectives; Honorary Associates: individuals or legal entities of remarkable knowledge and who, therefore, are distinguished by ABED and Maintaining Associates: legal entities that collaborate significantly to increase the work of ABED.

The main objective of the Association is, therefore, the increase of shared knowledge in distance education and the belief that such an educational modality is already a reality and an educational paradigm appropriate to the great changes of this millennium.


Management 2019-2023



Fredric Michael Litto - Professor Emeritus USP



Carlos Roberto Juliano Longo


Director of National Relations - Carlos Fernando Araújo Júnior - UNICSUL

Free Thematic Director - George Bento Catunda - SEE-PE

Ethics and Quality Director - Janes Fidelis Tomelin - UNICESUMAR

Director of relations with the productive sector - Jeferson Ferreira Fagundes - ARQUITETURA EDUCACIONAL

Director of International Relations - João Augusto Mattar Neto - PUC-SP

Director of Scientific Development - Liamara Scortegagna - UFJF

Financial and Administrative Director - Rita Maria de Lino Tarcia - UNIFESP

Public sector relations board - Welinton Baxto da Silva - SERES MEC


Ethics Council - 2020 - 2023

Andrea Filatro - Editora Saraiva - SARAIVA

Andrea Litto - Silicon House - SILICON HOUSE

Daniela Manole - Bridge3 Gestão Sustentável - BRIDGE3

Dyjalma Antonio Bassoli - Centro Universitário Cesmac - CESMAC

Evandro Luís Ribeiro - Rede Claretiano de Ensino - CLARETIANO

Fabrício Ricardo Lazilha - Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUC PARANÁ

Fellipe de Assis Zaremba - Pontificia Universidade Católica de Campinas - PUC CAMPINAS

João Vianney Valle Santos - Grupo Educacional Hoper - HOPER

Karina Nones Tomelin - EducaBox - EDUCABOX

Marco Antônio Araújo Junior - Meu Curso Inteleigencia e Tecnologia Educacional - MEU CURSO

Paulo Ricardo Torres Diniz - Centro Universitário Filadelfia - UNIFIL

Renato Bulcão de Moraes - Universidade Paulista - UNIP


Scientific Council 2020 – 2023

President: Waldomiro Pelágio Diniz de Carvalho Loyolla - P500 Soluções Educacionais - P500

Alessandro Marco Rosini - Universidade Anhanguera – ANHANGUERA

Alfredo Eurico Rodrigues Matta - Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB

Benhur Etelberto Gaio - Centro Universitário Internacional – UNINTER

Betina von Staa - Betina Von Staa Consultoria

Cleunice Matos Rehem - Fórum Nacional das Mantenedoras de Instituições de Educação

Profissional e Tecnológica – BrasilTEC

Fernando José Spanhol - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC

Herbert Gomes Martins - Centro Universitário Ateneu – UNIATENEU

Iolanda Bueno de Camargo Cortelazzo - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – UTFPR

Jair dos Santos Junior - Santos Junior Consultoria - SANTOS JÚNIOR

Josiane Maria de Freitas Tonelotto - Centro Universitário Belas Artes - BELAS ARTES

Jucimara Roesler - Hoper Educação – HOPER

Leandro Henrique Magalhães - Centro Universitário Filadelfia – UNIFIL

Luciano Sathler Rosa Guimarães - Universidade Metodista – METODISTA

Luis Paulo Leopoldo Mercado - Universidade Federal de Alagoas – UFAL

Mara Cecilia Rafael Lopes - Centro de Ensino Superior de Maringá – UNICESUMAR

Rosana Amaro - Universidade de Brasília – UnB

Simão Pedro P. Marinho - Pontificia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais - PUC MINAS

Stavros Panagiotis Xanthopoylos - Kitutor Tecnologia em Informática – KITUTOR



Audit Committee 2020 – 2023

Ari Antonio da Rocha - Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado – FAAP

Cristiane Freire de Sá - Instituto Federal de São Paulo – IFSP

Danilo Santiago Gomes Valentim - Laureate International Universities – LAUREATE

Ivete Palange - Consultora 

Lucy Ferreira de Almeida - Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo – PMSP

Rosa Maria Simone - R M Simone - RM SIMONE




André Gomes Genesini - Educamos Online – EDUCAMOS

Fernanda Furuno - DreamShaper – DREAMSHAPER

Franklin Portela Correia - Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo – FATEC

Gilmar Luis Mazurkievics - Universidade do Contestado – UNC

Jocimara  de Lima Mauer – GOMINING

Karin Sell Schneider Lima - Centro Universitário Internacional – UNINTER

Leonardo Carvalho - Universidade Corporativa Leroy Merlin - UCLM 

Luís Carlos Carvalho - Foreducation EdTech - FOR EDUCATION

Paola Oliveira Cicarelli - Cuboz – CUBOZ

Rangel Garcia Barbosa - Kroton – KROTON

Ricardo Medeiros Priuli - Instituto Federal de São Paulo – IFSP

Viviane Marques Goi - VG Educacional – VG


